When I was little I had stacks of coloring books as one of my art activities. Each page had a pre-printed picture on it, complete with a caption underneath. Sadly, I was not artistically inclined and often colored out of the lines. I actually felt bad about my lack of artistic ability simply because my friends could color in their pages better than I could. As a mother I have purchased a few of these books, only to see them tossed aside within five minutes. Happily, I stopped buying pre-printed coloring books for crafts and came up with some great art activities that my children continue to love:
- Make a Book: My daughter loves to make her own books. We have found that cutting out rectangles from cardboard boxes works best for a cover. Once you have two equal pieces, cut out about 15 sheets of paper that are inch smaller than the cover. Poke two holes in the cardboard and then the paper, finally attaching them with string. Be sure to bend the left edge of the cardboard so the book can be opened easily. Let your child color the cover as well as create the pages inside. I have many books that are filled with scratchy figures, poorly spelled words and phrases. I love trying to figure out what my children were writing at the time in their sweet kindergarten writing styles.
- Canvas: Many local stores sell canvas that is mounted and ready to paint. You can get large sizes at low prices in stores like Michael’s or other craft stores. Let your child create a masterpiece with paint and a real canvas.
- Craft Box: Keep a box in the house filled with various craft items including glue, pipe cleaners, glitter, foam balls, string, tape, safety scissors, paper cups, construction paper, paint, markers and pencils. When you hear I’m bored! from around the corner, take the box out and let your child create something wonderful.
You will be surprised at the pieces of art your child will create given only a few simple supplies. Forget those old coloring books and help to unleash your child’s wonderful imagination with activities that enhance their own abilities. Are there any special art projects your children enjoy?